Monthly Archives: May 2016

Ohio Historic Marker dedicated at the former site of Cowan Pottery in Rocky River

On May 13th, 2016 an Ohio Historic Marker was dedicated at the Lake Road, Rocky River location where Cowan pottery was designed and produced fro 1920 to 1931. Approval and placement of the Marker was co-sponsored by Rocky River Historical Society and Cowan Pottery Museum Associates. The dedication event included a display of pottery […]

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The 2016-17 R. Guy Cowan Scholarship award at CIA is shared by two students.

Each year CPMA funds a Scholarship at Cleveland Institute of Art. The Scholarship is dedicated to R. Guy Cowan and recipients are selected by CIA Ceramics Dept. faculty. The 2016-17 academic year Scholarship is shared by Fox Nicely and Kimberly Chapman. Fox was able to attend the 2016 Cowan Pottery Symposium where he presented and […]

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2016 Cowan Pottery Symposium held at Rocky River Public Library on May 14th

Highlights of the 2016 Symposium included presentations on the following topics which added to our knowledge of the inspiration for Cowan design themes and the activities of Cowan artists after the 1931 closure:

“Russell Barnett Aitken Archive”. Stephen Harrison and Leslie Cade, both of Cleveland Museum of Art, reviewed the nature and content of the […]

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